Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So this week has gone really well. We are talking to a lot more people and getting a lot more return appointments. This week alone we found 2 new gators, and 4 potentials who right now seem to be Golden. They all say they have been looking for a church but haven't found one. And each time we run into these people they all say its not a coincidence that we came to their houses. So I feel that Heavenly Father is hearning our prayer and preparing his people and guiding us to their houses. So yea we can say this week has gone well.
In "Downtown" Buffalo there is this joint called "the Vault". Its a place where bands come and play and its just a big concert in this little place. But the kids who go to the vault are a little weird. Like punk goth kids. But we walked by one night when there was a concert going on and we talked with the owner. He's a 22 year old kid and he is really nice and we got to talken and he asked Elder Andersen and I if we could help him, and of course we said yes and next thing I know we are in his basement in our shirt and tie sawing and hammering screwing and we built a platform for him. It was kind of weird but it was kool. We were building something in our church clothes it was crazy. But now I am getting to know Buffalo and not just there Front Door. One guy was playing wiffel ball with his kids and asked if I wanted to play. So Duh I did. It was sweet. Heavenly Father works in many ways. I love seeing the miracles.
Well this week has gone by great. How are you doing? Hows the Family? Hows work? Hows the Bugg? I hope and pray that things are going well. How is Family scriptures? Still going strong? I hop.
Well I aske you to keep praying for Buffalo and our new gators. Chris and David. And I got in contact with Irma and she just has been busy but she is trying hard to come to church. Thank you Mom for erverything. I Love you.

Elder Grondel the younger

P.S. I Need Stamps I'm out. BAD.

P.P.S. I want to come home

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